Automatic Giving


Why change the way I contribute to the church?
Hasn't the basket and envelope system worked just fine all these years?

Parishioners asked about automatic withdrawal and credit card payments. Many people prefer to simplify their household accounting by using these systems.

Yes the basket and envelope system has worked. But it also has its flaws. Mailing envelopes costs the parish. People forget to use the envelope. When people are sick or traveling, they often forget or neglect to contribute to their parish church.

Tell me how it works.

You give us the permission to charge your bank account or your credit card. You give us the necessary information to make that happen. You tell us how much you would like to donate each week or each month.

Once we submit your information, the bank will automatically deduct your chosen donation or the credit card company will add the charge to your monthly bill.

How does this new system help the church?

Automatic withdrawal and credit card charges allow the parish to maintain a more stable income throughout the year.

Each summer, when people vacation and travel, our income goes down. People are away. Sometimes they make up the difference when they come home, sometimes not. Whatever the case, the parish's expenses stay the same.

It saves also on accounting time-for office staff and volunteers. The envelope system requires volunteers to open and count the money. Envelope donations have to be credited to parishioners' accounts on the computer. Automatic withdrawal and credit card payments simplify that process.

And, remember, the parish doesn't have to pay to purchase or mail envelopes.

If I can put it this way, what's in it for me?

First of all, automatic withdrawal and credit card payments help you support your parish church. They make it easier for you to give week after week-when you're in church, when you're traveling, when you're ill, when you're homebound.

Automatic withdrawal and credit card payments simplify your giving. No searching through the desk drawer looking for this week's envelopes. No writing a check and hoping you'll remember to record it later.

Many people prefer to use their credit card because of other benefits-air miles, discounts on merchandise, donations charities, etc. Your church donation may well do more for you and for others just because you used your card!

What about the offertory? I'll feel funny if I don't have something to put in the basket.

The offertory is an important symbol. Our gifts-in the first place, our bread and wine, and secondly, our money-represent our lives offered with Christ in sacrifice to God.

How you treat the basket is really up to you. You are certainly participating fully in the sacrifice of the mass by watching the processions of the gifts, by praying silently about the events of the past week you place on that plate and in that flagon, by joining in singings and listening to the song. You don't need to do anything else.

But, why not throw in a piece of spare change-a small token of the greater gift you've already given?

What if I don't want to change the way I give?

No problem at all! Automatic withdrawal and credit card charges are an option. You choose the way you prefer to give. Church of the Resurrection will not badger you into giving one way or another. We're just giving you a choice.

Aren't there security risks involved?

No more than any other transaction you might make.

Actually, with automatic withdrawal and credit card charges, your financial information-account numbers, amounts donated-will be seen by fewer people than if you had simply written a check and stuffed in into the envelope.

I'm not sure I want to be first in a new program. What if something goes wrong?

You won't be first. Some parishioners, including the pastor, started using the automatic withdrawal and credit card charge programs in 2004. We've received our bank statements at the month's end and everything's properly and correctly recorded.

If at any time a problem does come up, please let the office know immediately.

OK, so I want to give it a try. What do I have to do?

Fill out the form and return it to the office. Fill in all the required spaces. For automatic withdrawal from your checking account, attach a voided check.

Form for Automatic Withdrawal from Bank Checking Account

Form for Automatic Credit Card Contribution

What if I change my mind?

Just notify the office. At any time, you can change the amount you want to give. You can change the monthly or weekly option. You can opt out of the program.